A growing Geo
Geo hit a dragon milestone today. Major shedding. She shed most of her body skin today. A large piece was sitting on her hammock which...

Bath time #2
Geo got her second bath yesterday while I cleaned her tank and did a bit of redecorating, new slate tiles and a new rock. Cleaning took...

First bath...
Geo had her first bath today, to help with her shedding. She was not excited by it. I imagine she is thinking something along the lines...

George "Geo" for Short
Our bearded now has a name. George Iroh, or Geo for short. I'm still calling our beardie he/him until Iroh is old enough to determine for...
Beardie needs a name!
Please fill out the survey linked below to help choose a name for our class's Bearded Dragon. Name Beardie #scienceclass #BeardedDragon

Welcome Baby!
Wednesday we welcomed a baby Bearded Dragon to our science classroom at SWJH. All of Ms B's students will have a vote on the name of our...